Amazon is one of the largest selling platforms with 2 billion visitors monthly and has strict rules for sellers on its platform to preserve the impeccable high quality of its platform. Most sellers face no issue in following the policy of Amazon and continue to skyrocket their sales by accessing Amazon’s 2 billion site visitors each month.
However, it is a fact that Amazon rules are pretty strict, and sellers can often end up making a mistake. Even the most experienced and sellers with high sales undergo account suspensions or deactivations. To prevent suspension or deactivation, you need to understand the reasons behind both. Give this article a read, and it will clear your queries about both and help you differentiate between them!
Suspensions are quite common since Amazon sticks to maintaining high standards for its customers under all circumstances. They have a clear policy of keeping customers happy by adhering to extremely high standards. If amazon believes that you are selling products that are not up to their standard, you will wake up one day to see your Amazon account suspended.
Reasons for Account suspension
Following are the common reasons why Amazon might suspend your seller account.
- Order rate
- Pre-fulfillment cancel rate
- Late shipment rate
- Negative return feedback rate
- Late response rate
- Invalid rejection rate
- Operating multiple accounts
How to reinstate the suspended account
Getting your seller account suspended by Amazon can be a very stressful ordeal. Many sellers believe that getting an Amazon account reinstated is hard, especially if it’s your first time and you have no idea what to do to get your Amazon account reinstated. Here are a few guidelines about what you must do to get your Amazon seller account reinstated.
- Understand the leading cause of your suspension.
The first thing you have to do is understand why your account was suspended in the first place. If you cannot get this first step done right then, you might find yourself in hot waters. If you want to create a plan of action that works, you must clearly understand the reason for your account suspension. You might take the help of experts to get through this step without a problem.
- Read Amazon’s suspension notice.
If Amazon suspends your account, they will let you know about the reasons through a suspension notice. There is hardly any chance that Amazon suspends your account for no reason. It indicates that Amazon has thoroughly investigated so the reasons mentioned by Amazon in their suspension notice and try to understand them.
- Review your seller information.
Just relying on the Amazon suspension notice is not enough when you need to know why your account was flagged. According to amazon’s demands, you must also look at your seller’s information and check if your listings, products, and customer reviews are. You can find all this information in the “Customer Metrics’ section given in your seller’s account.
- Create a plan of action.
It’s not possible to get your Amazon seller account reinstated without a suspension Appeal letter. It is one of the most critical steps of your reinstatement process. After you are done investigating your own and gathering the required data to convince Amazon to reinstate your account, you must move forward with creating a plan of action. This step can be a bit tricky to get right. Don’t worry; we have years of experience at our hands to get your Amazon account reinstated without a problem. Just contact our team and leave the rest to us.
When your Amazon seller account has been deactivated, Amazon removes your listings and revokes the transfer of your funds by holding them to your account until the issue is resolved. You might be asked to ship all your open orders to avoid further impact on your account.
Why is the Amazon account deactivated?
Amazon deactivates its seller account for various reasons. One of the most common reasons is having multiple seller accounts. Amazon does not allow multiple accounts for a single user until it is authorized by the authority beforehand. Other reasons for account deactivation also include violation of quality standards.
What to do?
- Write an appeal letter to the authorities of Amazon. You must write an email to the seller representative. Write down every detail about your account suspension. This may be your only shot, so it is better to leave this to the experts at ReinstateAmz. Our team shall write a carefully worded email to ensure maximum chances for success.
- Attach related evidence (Screenshots and invoices) for further clarifying the matter. In case you have misplaced your invoices, then state the reasons and mention a plan of action for the future.
- Get the Amazon seller representative authorization from either the brand owner or brand manufacturer.
- Attach the authorization letter from the manufacturer stating that your supplies are authorized.
Account suspension or deactivation can be difficult situations to tackle. You might need a little help from the experts. ReinstateAmz has all the necessary experience to get your Amazon account reinstated, so reach out to us with your Amazon seller problem, and we will ensure that it is handled well your account is up and running in no time!